Monday, September 24, 2012

Dr. White-Tall Blog-Visitors and Residents

     I believe it is important to have a working knowledge of technology and how it pertains to both, our lives as well as the students we are attempting to educates lives.  I currently see myself as a Resident under the conditions Dr. White detailed.  I was initially resistant to Facebook when it arrived several years ago due to the segregation of admitted users; i.e. only University students had access to FB.  I wasn't happy about that as I deemed it unfair for a variety of reasons.  Even after FB went mainstream, I resisted creating an account for over a year.  I now use FB daily for many different reasons and see it as a valuable tool in staying "in the know" for things I personally deem important, regardless of what others may think.
  I was pretty clueless to the power and speed in which Twitter operated, now that I was "forced" to sign up, I can see the value is vast and in real time...quite an amazing tool.  I will definitely use technology such as Twitter, Edmodo, and other communication devices in my classroom (if/when I get one) in the future.  I can only imagine what the next platform to be released will be; I'm actually excited!
  When it comes to personal/family related information, I tend to lean on the Visitor side of the internet/social media.  As for things that I like to do and/or learn about (i.e. tickets for events, travel, what friends are up to, educational information I can use to better my craft, etc.) I am progressing more and more to the Resident side of the matter.

Darrell 9/24/2012

1 comment:

  1. Hi Darrell- so it sounds like you're a split personality on the issue-both resident and visitor, moving more to the resident side. For me, I'm definitely more visitor in both my professional and personal lives. Like you though, I am interested in pursuing Twitter. I'm hoping that, using TweetDeck, I can get a handle on those fast flowing messages. More power to us both!
