Monday, October 15, 2012

Assignment:  A whole new mind 10/14/12

1. The Conceptual Age, as described by Dan Pink, is the process of liner movement from what one could call traditional thinking and tools, to a new wave process of thinking. To be more clear, as a society we have transitioned from analytical based thinking (i.e. Left Brain characteristics) to a more progressive artistry, empathy, inventiveness, big picture thinking is what matters most, now. Engineers, Doctors, lawyers, accountants, careers that were/are in high demand was set up for people with left brain characteristics and training. Now many of these mondane tasks can be outsourced or automated such as TurboTax and automates the need for an accountant and/or lawyer as long as you have a minimal amount of technical awareness, you can save yourself a lot of money and time. 

2. Pink believes the Conceptual Age requires a "whole new mind" American education, and subsequently, many of our societies value set is drilling the creativity out of our students/youth and attempting to create a population of systematic drones that can be plugged into the work place like a machine. Anybody with a typical education can equate 2+2=4. We can see how it logically works, insert and repeat the equation without question or attempt to better/change the process. It deals nothing with feelings, social justice, culture, or the changes in society. Our current way of thinking is decaying the landscape of our future society, because it is easier and we know how to do it. Using the right brain and developing empathy, fairness, equality, etc. is very difficult and not easily quantified, thus making it difficult to comprehend simple statistics that "prove" value or lack there of if manipulated correctly. 

3. I do agree with Mr. Pink that we are moving towards a Conceptual Age. My fears are that the public school system and America as a whole will fall further and further behind the times. We as a nation are becoming more and more divided. If you were fortunate enough to be raised in an affluent area and attend private schools that are geared toward the future of society, you have a tremendous advantage over an individual who is placed in a public school fighting to maintain the facade of "good test scores" which, in my opinion, translate into worker bees with blinders to what is really going on. I often question the fact if this is intentional or ignorant.

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